Rules Of Building A Scalable Business
- The most basic questions for any business to answer are – “Who is my customer?
- Scalability is not possible if everything is dependent on the entrepreneur
- If a system is not simple, then it is not a system.
- Entrepreneurs are the lifeline of any nation’s economy.
- There is no value in it for the entrepreneur if he is stuck in the trap of self-employment.
- In self-employment most entrepreneurs don’t even pay themselves consistently because they are struggling for survival, leave alone growth.
So here are some basic rules on building a scalable business:
1. Size of the target market:
- The most basic questions for any business to answer are – “Who is my customer? Whose problems are my products or services solving? Whose needs are my products or services fulfilling?”
- The key point here is to identify your audience very clearly.
2. Scalability of Distribution and Delivery:
- In most cases, entrepreneurs believe that they have a large audience to serve when they answer the first question – the size of a target market.
- But the true test of the scalability of a business model is when it can be defined how many customers the business can handle and how it can acquire a massive number of customers.
3. Making your functions functional:
- Scalability is not possible if everything is dependent on the entrepreneur.
- Every function needs to function consistently and simultaneously for the business to scale.
4. Build simple systems:
- If a system is slowing things down, then it is not a system and if a system is not simple, then it is not a system.
To know more about each aspect, do read this beautiful article: