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Nine Steps to Effective Business Problem Solving

Nine Steps to Effective Business Problem Solving
  • Creating a startup, or managing any business, is all about problem-solving. 
  • Some people are good at it and some are not.
  • Entrepreneurs who are great problem solvers within any business are the best prepared to effectively solve their customers’ needs.
  • Problems are an everyday part of every business and personal environment.

Here are nine steps for business problem solving:

1.Take the time to define the problem clearly:

  • Many executives like to jump into solution mode immediately, even before they understand the issue. 
  • In some cases, a small problem can become a big one with inappropriate actions.

2. Pursue alternate paths on “facts of life” and opportunities:

  • Remember, there are some things that you can do nothing about. They’re not problems; they are just facts of life.
  • Often, what appears to be a problem is actually an opportunity in disguise.

3. Challenge the definition from all angles:

  • The more ways you can define a problem, the more likely it is that you will find the best solution. 
  • For example, “sales are too low” may mean strong competitors, ineffective advertising, or a poor sales process.

4. Iteratively question the cause of the problem:

  • This is all about finding the root cause, rather than treating a symptom. 
  • The problem will likely re-occur if you don’t get to the root, perhaps with different symptoms.

5. Identify multiple possible solutions:

  • The more possible solutions you develop, the more likely you will come up with the right one. 
  • The quality of the solution seems to be in direct proportion to the number of solutions considered in problem-solving

6. Prioritize potential solutions:

  • A rule says that every large problem was once a small problem that could have been solved easily at that time.

7. Make a decision:

  • Select a solution, any solution, and then decide on a course of action.
  • The longer you put off deciding on what to do, the higher the cost, and the larger the impact.

8. Assign responsibility:

  • Who exactly is going to carry out the solution or the different elements of the solution? 
  • Otherwise, nothing will happen, and you have no recourse but to implement all solutions yourself.

9. Set a measure for the solution:

  • Otherwise, you will have no way of knowing when and whether the problem was solved. 
  • Problem solutions in a complex system often have unintended side effects which can be worse than the original problem.

If you want to know more about the steps, read this entire article:

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