New Economy is globalized and sources of competitiveness are shifting to knowledge-based factors. In the new knowledge economy, intangible assets such as PATENTS, INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS, TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT, etc. have become central business assets.
In order to be internationally competitive, businesses need to constantly improve their efficiency, reduce production costs and enhance the reputation of their products by; investing in R & D, acquiring new technology, improving management practices, developing creative and appealing designs, and marketing their products and services.
Without Intellectual property protection, there is a strong risk that investments in R&D, product differentiation, and marketing will be wasteful.
IP Rights enables businesses to have exclusivity over the exploitation of their innovative products, their creative designs, and their brands, thus creating an appropriate incentive for investing in improving their national and international competitiveness.
Talk aims at providing introductory details of various INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION TOOLS available in India for IP protection.
In order to protect one’s brand name, an online trademark registry comes into play as having rights on the internet is important so that no one can claim rights over the name of a popular brand on the internet and create confusion in the minds of a layman.
We will discuss how to protect their creation as in today’s world.
Here are snippets on the most relevant topics specially designed for Entrepreneurs.
IP in the internet age
Protection of Brands and Trademarks in the internet age
This video features…
- introduction of Trademark and Brands in the internet Age for example
- Various kinds of IP
- Some Myths in the minds of Entrepreneurs about IP
- Advantage and Benefits of IP to Entrepreneurs
- Why IP strategy should be implemented as a business strategy?
- Challenges of IP in the internet world
- Remedies for IP Protection
- About IP Laws and its Future
- Valuation of IP and value of some famous Trademarks
A brief introduction to trademark
This video features…
- classifications of Trademark
- Process of Registration of Trademark
- Example of mark that can be registered as Trademark
- Brand/Sub-brand of Trademark with Example
- Landmark Judgment
Opposition and refusal of trademark
This video features…
- Absolute and Relative ground for refusal of Trademark
- Why should entrepreneurs file opposition?
- Who can file an opposition?
- Example of Similar Trademark
International trademark registration
This video features…
- International protection of Trademark
- Registration of International Trademark
Trademark vs Domain
Regarding Domain Name WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center – where there is a dispute between Trademark and Domain Name
Copyright Patent Design
- Copyright with Example
- Geographical indications for Copyright
- About Patents
- About Designs with Examples
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