- Entrepreneurs actually show their inability to switch to executive mode much earlier in the business development process than most people realize.
- But the reasons executives fail to “scale”—that is, adapt their leadership capabilities to their growing businesses’ needs remain messy
- The ability to effectively lead a project, department, or organization beyond the start-up stage depends on whether or not the executive is affected by the four dangerous pointers here:
1. The Scaling Challenge:
- Business school courses can’t really teach students to deal with people objectively, to think strategically, to create loyalty within a diverse workforce, and to impress customers and investors.
- These capabilities derive from experience that the new CEO may not yet have.
- No wonder so many entrepreneurs fail to become self-sufficient leaders as their businesses increase in complexity.
2. Task Orientation:
- Executives who focus on the job at hand—particularly those who have done well in operations, product development, or finance—are the weight lifters of the business world.
- They execute brilliantly with demanding short-term assignments, but the long-term strategy is often beyond them.
- As their companies grow, they often fail to establish strategic priorities.
- Leaders able to scale, by contrast, understand the importance of a stream-lined strategy.
- They learn to extract three or four high-level goals from a longer list and focus their teams accordingly.
3. Single-Mindedness:
- We all admire disciplined people, and in start-ups, laserlike focus on the quality and differentiation of a new product or service is an important asset.
- But a leader’s devotion to a single issue can also damage a growing organization.
- A leader who doesn’t communicate with and listen to employees with distinct opinions can end up losing their loyalty.
4. Working in Isolation:
- It is okay to develop or flesh out an idea in isolation.
- After the birth of the product or the idea, the internal focus must shift.
- The understanding of markets and how the product can be placed in it has to be a team effort.
- Eg. For JioFiber and other domains of the same, a dedicated team had worked to come up with a one-year free subscription and how retention can be done easily even after that.
To know more about scaling and steps to avoid, read the entire article: https://hbr.org/2002/12/why-entrepreneurs-dont-scale
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