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Ten rules for positioning to make a product or service stand above the competition.

Ten rules for positioning to make a product or service stand above the competition.
  1. Own a word in the consumer’s mind: If you establish one benefit in the consumer’s mind, the consumer may attribute other positives as well to your product. FedEx means “overnight delivery.” Only one company can own a word, and it is tough to change it once it’s established.

  2. Positioning begins with the product’s name: The name should be descriptive, to establish the main benefit in the consumer’s mind. Draino opens clogged drains.

  3. If you have a unique new product, use a new name: Instead of using the name Apple Mini Mac, Apple chose the iPod name for their new music player.

  4. The easiest way to own a word is to be first. Consumers tend to stick with products that work for them. Kleenex cleans runny noses.

  5. Don’t stray from your message; “reinforce the original concept” in all marketing activities. “Coke Classic is the real thing!”

  6. Introduce a new brand: The best way to respond to a new competitor is to introduce a new brand, not blurring the original one. When bottled water became popular, Coke didn’t call theirs Coke water, rather it chose Dasani.

  7. Establish a new category: The first option for a follower is to establish a new category. Established brands are tough to beat, but consumers will adopt a new category more easily. Charles Schwab established the discount brokerage category.

  8. Find an open position in the consumer’s mind: The second option of a follower is to find an open position in the consumer’s mind. Starbucks became the premium quick-service coffee brand.

  9. Reposition the Competitor: The third option for a follower is to reposition the competitor to undercut the leader’s concept, product, or spokesperson. Tylenol said, “If your stomach is upset, check with your doctor before you take aspirin.”

  10. Stay consistent with the positioning you choose.

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